Brush contour from midpoint of ear to midway under cheekbones. Borsta lite till ovanför käken, örsnibben till hakan. Borsta och blanda på var sin sida av ansiktet, vid hårfästet. Blend all with fingertip.
Apply highlight down center of forehead, nose, Cupid’s bow and chin. Lägg lite mer på kindbenen. Blanda ut med fingertopparna.
Apply blush in an ‘X’ over apples of cheeks using powder brush. Tona ut. Add 3-4 drops of serum to sponge. Dot over cheekbones and blend.
Prep with lip balm. Outline with a lip pencil in shade deeper than lipstick. Draw 3 vertical lines down both lips. 1 in the middle, 1 on each side.